Dec 19, 2008

Merry Christmas to Alissa

Still no claim on the print that was awarded in our drawing, so I'm trying again.... Alissa from "Home Grown with Love" is our next name drawn and if you will just stop by the Doorpost Verses Etsy Shop and send a convo to let me know the print you have chosen and how to get that to you I'll happily put that in the mail for you.... Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! Visit Alissa's blog about her sweet family at

Thanks for reading....


Alissa said...

Oh thank you!!! Such a hard choice with so many beautiful pictues, but I would love the 'He Restoreth My Soul' print. Please let me know how to contact you through email to give you my address.....and thank you again!!

Doorpost Verses said...

great ... I'll be happy for you to have it. You can email us at
Merry Christmas!